Mole Removal Treatment in Dubai



Moles are common skin growths. They can show up on different parts of the body. Usually, moles are harmless. But sometimes, they can bother people or, in rare cases, could lead to skin cancer. At our clinic in Dubai, we have mole removal treatment just for you! We focus on your needs to offer safe & effective ways to remove those unwanted moles with little discomfort & downtime.

Understanding Moles

Moles, or nevi as some call them, are groups of pigmented cells. They can appear as little dark brown spots or even blend with your skin tone. Moles come in different shapes, sizes, & textures. Some are flat while others are raised. Most keep being harmless all through life. However, if a mole changes in any way, it might need to be removed for health or cosmetic reasons.

mole removal in dubai

Reasons for Mole Removal

Why do people want moles taken off?

There are two big reasons:

Cosmetic Concerns: If moles show up on your face, neck, or arms, they might make you feel less confident. Many folks choose to have moles removed so they feel better about how their skin looks.

Medical Concerns: When a mole gets bigger or changes shape or colour, it could mean trouble, like skin cancer (especially melanoma). If there’s anything unusual about a mole, a doctor might suggest it be taken out to keep you safe.

Mole Removal Methods at Genomed Polyclinic

At our clinic, we offer different ways for mole removal. You’ll get personal care from expert dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons who use the latest tech to keep scarring down and make sure everything is done right.

Laser Mole Removal

This option is great for small and flat moles that aren’t cancerous! It uses focused laser energy to break down the pigments in the mole. Over time, the mole fades away! The procedure is quick & almost painless and usually leaves no scars.



No stitches needed

Quick recovery

Surgical Excision

For bigger or raised moles, surgical excision often works best. Here’s what happens:

The dermatologist uses a scalpel to take out the mole along with some of the surrounding tissue. You may need stitches after this procedure, which doctors generally suggest for moles that might not be benign. The doctor sends the removed mole for a biopsy check.


Good for larger or suspicious moles

Allows tests (biopsy)

Permanent removal

Shave Excision

In shave excision, doctors carefully shave off the mole using a surgical blade. This leaves the area smooth! It’s an easy process and usually doesn’t need stitches.


Fast & straightforward

Little recovery time

Good for raised moles

The Mole Removal Process at Genomed Polyclinic in Dubai

Your journey starts with a meeting with a dermatologist who will check your mole and explain the best ways to handle it! Here’s what you can expect:

Initial Consultation: The doctor checks your mole for anything unusual that needs more testing. They will talk you through different removal techniques & help choose what’s best based on your medical history & choices.

Preparation: The doctor might use a local anaesthetic to numb the spot, depending on the chosen method, so you feel comfortable during the procedure.

Procedure: The treatment is done in a clean space and usually takes 20 to 40 minutes – depending on the complexity of removing the mole.

Aftercare: Afterward, you’ll get care tips from your dermatologist! This might include keeping it clean and possibly using antibiotic ointment to avoid infection. If you undergo surgical excision, the doctor will need to remove the stitches after a few days.

Follow-up: If your mole was biopsied, you’ll chat about the results during a follow-up visit where we’ll also check that you’re healing well.

Benefits of Mole Removal Treatment at Genomed Polyclinic in Dubai

Here’s what you get when you choose mole removal treatment at our clinic in Dubai:

Expert Care: Our team includes top-notch dermatologists & cosmetic surgeons who know their stuff!

Advanced Technology: We use cool laser tech & other techniques that guarantee safety and precision.

Personalized Treatment: Every patient gets special attention so we can reach your goals—whether that’s looking better or tackling health concerns.

Minimal Scarring: Thanks to modern methods like laser treatment & careful surgery techniques—we help reduce scars so your skin stays smooth.


Is mole removal painful?

Most of our procedures are nearly painless! Local anesthesia helps so mild discomfort is rare.

Will there be a scar after mole removal?

Some methods might leave tiny scars but new techniques like laser treatment help keep this down!

How long does recovery take after mole removal?

Recovery time depends on what was done; laser removal often has little downtime while surgical excisions may need more days to heal fully.

Can moles grow back after removal?

Usually not! Once a mole’s gone—it stays gone! However, if some tissue stays behind there’s a tiny chance it could return which makes regular check-ups important!

How much does mole removal cost at Genomed Polyclinic?

Pricing depends on lots of things—size, where it’s located & procedure type—all clear answers come during the consultation!


If you’re thinking about getting rid of an unwanted mole near Dubai—Genomed Polyclinic makes it super safe and effective! We provide many treatments tailored just for you – whether for looks or health reasons! Trust us—our skilled dermatologists are here every step of the way toward excellent results!

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